Friday, February 28, 2020

Lupe-PM-1hr-Open Lab: Progress

So i came up with a new design for the claw because i realized that the claw it has right now does not close all the way which is what causes the grip to be loose. I'm thinking to have a human hand design with fingers where it won't need to fully close and it won't be loose.

Anthony Buccat/Friday 28, 2020/ PM CLASS

Today I work with kyle on the Al that makes images that think which is the food is very fresh or very bad that been tell a apart then we just seach some images that we got ideas in mind that work on two hours and 42 mins then I work on the robot base while Lupez just doing her own thing without any help like always then I have a problem that can find the tools I need to just goes to my laptop to seach some new robots idea and planes that I work on our rest our lasting mins.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Anthony Buccat: Saturn's Rings VEX Wheel remodel

So right now I spent on the time even break time to work on the right side of the tracks but it have a small problem spinning smoothly and feels like rusty and hope the Teacher will help us but he busy.

Lupe-PM-1 hour-Open Lab:Slow Progress

So today I tried to fix the droop of the arm, and the loose grip of the claw. I was testing to see if it was a mechanical problem, so I tightened all the bolts that might seem a bit loose. That didn't help in the slightest, I even looked at the gears to see if they were misplaced or something, but everything seems alright. I am assuming that it is a electrical thing, so I will be testing the motors and looking at the wiring the next time we work on it. I will also see about new designs for the claw to see which one has a better grip and more efficient.